Dame Anne Salmond – one waka. Newsroom

Good to see many replies to Dame Anne Salmond’s reflection. But what is missing is the long historical cultural context which coming from the collective subconscious is probably more influential now than ever before.

Read more: Dame Anne Salmond – one waka. Newsroom

“This leads to the risk of over-correction, with successive governments veering left or right as the electorate tries but fails to bring them back to the centre. Rather than steering a steady course and conserving scarce resources, governance in New Zealand is increasingly erratic.”

In this we seen the deepest insight into the way Dame Anne sees this country. But it is not an accurate description of what is happening. I suggest all here reflect on the recent poll saying a majority of those polled support the ‘fast track bill’. Now this is a volatile subject and the responses will depend heavily on how the question is framed. But the reality of the shallow desperation of this country is new, is different from what Dame Anne and the rest of us are used to. Replies, please.

2 Comments on “Dame Anne Salmond – one waka. Newsroom”

  1. Paul Bruce says:

    Thanks Richard. The real problem is that a significant proportion of people have not really understood the ecological overshoot that is occurring, and the only way to deal with this is for a planned degrowth, that is a reduction in consumerism along with a more equitable sharing of wealth. .

  2. Paul Bruce says:

    I posted the following to newsroom… “A problem is that a significant proportion of people have not really understood that inflationary influences are mostly due to increasing costs of raw materials and ecological overshoot that is occurring, and the only way to deal with this is for a planned degrowth, that is a reduction in consumerism along with a more equitable sharing of wealth. The challenge is to persuade the electorate to support this shift.”


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