Anne Salmond: Undermining democracy

The Government’s Fast-track development bill removes vital checks and balances and raises the spectre of collusion between politicians and corporations.

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There is a deeper discussion usually ignored, even here. I keep trying to bring it up.

Read more: Anne Salmond: Undermining democracy

The clean / green image held by New Zealanders brings two important factors. One is that we are more likely to be aware of threats to the ecosphere. But the other is that we have decidedly come into the time of knowing that our drilling bans, etc., are just the beginning of massive long term changes necessary to deal with the existential threats of climate change and nuclear weapons. This realization, universal today though perhaps somewhat less developed in the mainstream of other countries, is terrifying. As a result we have reached The Post Truth Era where denial has reached the mainstream. This is a very shallow mind set and may not last, but for now we have a new government which is the angriest, most desperate, and likely the most destructive government we have ever had. And which may be tolerated by the electorate in this time of terror.

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