Govt sidelines Climate Commission in seeking do-over of advice

The methane review lays the groundwork for watering down climate targets while using science as cover for what is ultimately a political decision

by Marc Daalder

Yes, it’s about ‘farming’. Farming is an export industry (sacrosanct in NZ).

Read more: Govt sidelines Climate Commission in seeking do-over of advice

In the grand cultural history of human civilization agriculture is now often seen as one of the ‘ultimate’ of human exploitative activities on the planet. Even to the point of suggesting that the biblical ‘fall’ in the Hebrew bible (Garden of Eden) is a story telling of the beginning of agriculture.

This new government will have a priority of preserving any and all of such fundamental exploitative activities because exploitation is the primary factor in their social and political philosophy. Further they know that period of history is over as everybody knows that the need to deal with the existential challenges of climate change, etc, rules out an exploitative philosophy.

David Slack wonders who Chris Luxon really is, in relation to the question of how old the planet earth is.

David Slack reminds us that evangelicals who believe literally in the bible stories of creation, etc., are not completely hidden away here in Aotearoa/NewZealand. It’s not just in the rabbit hole fringes of the USofA. (*)

Read more: David Slack wonders who Chris Luxon really is, in relation to the question of how old the planet earth is.

I see where you are going with this, David. The old biblical stories were metaphorical stories which early civilized Jewish people found useful to try to understand the world, and perhaps so that Moses could guide them in a new direction. Other cultures have had different metaphorical stories for much the same purpose. There has been no guarantee that civilizations’, or perhaps other ‘uncivilized’ cultures’ history would have led to the ‘who we are’, or ‘who they are’, today; we could be a different ‘who we are’. Remember when PM Ardern said after the mosque attack, ‘this is not who we are’. But ‘who we are’ is not so simple to understand. One of the main impediments to progress on climate change is that the possibly existential nature of climate dangers imples we need a fundamental change of the way we organize society, in fact, ‘who we are’. Denial of that is of a similar type to the denial of the science of the age of the earth.

(*) Note how the evangelicals in the USofA are reacting to the growing violence in Israel / Palestine. Is this leading up to the ‘end times’, the biblical prophecy? Or not? Are world nations waiting with a nuclear holocaust? Note that nation states are no longer the structure defining the world, the ‘refugee diaspora’ is. Nation states are feeling very insecure.

A-girls are too late – Bond of any macho is out of date

The Editor, The Dominion Post, Wellington


29/09/ 2021

Dear Editor:

Verity Johnson wasn’t at University as I was when the first Bond movie came out in 1962 and it was too ‘new’ a genre for me to go see it, but anyway she’s got it right to suggest that that character ‘is kinda outdated’ now.   

Read the rest of this entry »

‘Climate Emergency’? Or ‘Climate Ponzi’

The Editor,  The Sunday Star Times,  Auckland
10 September, 2019

What do we label a ‘Ponzi scheme’? Read the rest of this entry »