New Wellington tunnel: ‘An astonishing misunderstanding of transport priorities’ – Newsroom

The reason the new government is interested in this proposal (tunnel from city to east) is because it is a ‘road’. 

Read more: New Wellington tunnel: ‘An astonishing misunderstanding of transport priorities’ – Newsroom

Another ‘glorious road’, so to speak.  After all the reasonable talk about ‘mode shift’ over the last few years (few decades, really) these angry desperadoes have become obsessed with trashing rail and any other low carbon transport alternatives.

Post to Neighbourly on WCC council elections 2022

Interest in the council elections later this year is growing so it may be a good time to look back at the current council elected in 2019 which has been the best in memory. 

Read the rest of this entry »

New tunnel, old desperation

The Editor, The Dominion Post, Wellington

04/08/ 2021

Dear Editor:

Another ‘tunnel’ proposal is suggested for Wellington’s traffic (the longest one yet, through Newtown, Mt Cook, and Te Aro).    But this again ignores the one most globally proven of public traffic policy issues, that building more lanes for traffic never reduces congestion, rather always induces more congestion.

Yes, we do have to relook at the proposals adopted by WCC.  The most important thing to note about that is there must NOT be another traffic tunnel.  That would push to the rear the impact of all the other proposals for pedestrians, cycles, trains and buses, and the whole LGWM project would become a colossal waste of money. 


Richard Keller

Infrastructure work must be forward not backward looking

The Editor,  The Dom Post,  Wellington
18/02/ 2020

Dear Editor:

In an era where the challenges we face mainly deal with threats to the ecosphere, the realization that the water system is in a state of crisis should alert the WCC, the mayor, and the GWRC that they must prioritize fundamental infrastructure. Read the rest of this entry »

New councils must spend on public transport – updated version

The Editor,  The Dom Post,  Wellington
22/01/ 2020

Dear Editor:

Here we are in 2020 and the newly elected WCC and GWRC seem to be more supportive of public transport than the councils of the previous term. To demonstrate that they will need to be willing to spend on walking, cycling, and mass transit (light rail) and resist spending on a traffic tunnel. Read the rest of this entry »

Nicola Willis’ hysteria regarding Genter and tunnels

Nicola Willis,

National List MP

Hello Ms Willis,
If the quote in the Dom Post of Thursday, 31 October is correct you are getting hysterical about the Genter letter and the tunnels desperation. “can’t be trusted to get Wellington moving”.

You and everybody else knows that when cities make more capacity for traffic that congestion increases not decreases. That is one of the most proven, best known facts of urban policy worldwide. The only way to address congestion is to reduce the number of vehicles on the roads.

So you and I both know that the Greens perspective can reduce congestion. But the real, though unspoken, issue here is fossil fuels and climate change. You are willing to hide behind your false congestion claims to hide your denial of the need for fundamental change. We are living in the Post Truth Era where denial has reached main stream and you may think you can get support that way but that is a shaky position to be in and your hysteria would seem to reveal that you understand that.

Richard Keller
Lyall Bay

LGWM, second Mt Vic tunnel, and LGWHACC

The Editor,  The Dom Post,  Wellington

21 May, 2019

Dear Editor:

Let’s Get Wellington Honest About Climate Change. I’d like to think that LGWM would get over its outdated enthusiasm for a second traffic tunnel at Mt Victoria.  To suggest a second vehicle tunnel is to give the impression fossil fuel use reduction is not really as urgent as it is.  To combine a second tunnel and a light rail system, even with a sudden rush of climate change concern from some politicians and others, may seem similar to using methadone to suppress heroin addiction, but in this case there will be no significant suppression of the stubborn long term obsession with the personal motor car as long as there is a second traffic tunnel.


Richard Keller

published 23 May


No Second Traffic Tunnel at Mt. Victoria!!

The Editor,  The Dom Post,  Wellington

18 May, 2019

Dear Editor:

Let’s Get Wellington Honest About Climate Change.   Read the rest of this entry »